Shelley Pikes
I spent a week working with VIN in their Health/Medical Care program. I received basic orientation to Nepali culture and language prior to being placed within my host family in the village of Jitpur. They were very hospitable and endearing. I was allowed the opportunity to experience authentic Nepalese life and culture, and regarded as family. There was an intense admiration and appreciation for the Nepalese people almost instantaneously, for their resourcefulness, simplicity, and good-natured dispositions. I worked in the community health post, which involved assisting patients with symptom management, and offering health promotion and illness prevention strategies. I also had several occasions to go remote areas and model tooth brushing for particularly vulnerable individuals and children. Overall, my experience was insightful and empowering. I learned so much.
I extend my deepest gratitude to VIN for their continued support throughout my time in Nepal, specifically Bhupi, Kabita, Sam and Nishan.
May 7, 2009 to May 16, 2009
Health / Medical Care