Volunteer’s Monthly Meeting by VIN
Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) has been organizing Volunteer’s Monthly Meeting (VMM) on the second or the fourth week of every month. The main objectives of VMM are to get to know each other and to share their working experience. They share their personal experiences and give feedbacks regarding project and programs.
Volunteer Coordinators (VCs): Diwakar Shrestha and Subhekshya Thakuri visit volunteers and do follow up on a regular basis. During follow up they try to know about the present condition of volunteers, their project, health, host family and the community. In order to make their involvement more organized and fruitful, VCs visit them on a weekly basis. They ask volunteers about the progress and the challenges of the project. And if they have any complications then VCs coordinate with the host family, field staffs, program supervisor, partner volunteer and try to solve the issues ASAP.
VIN organize VMM to refresh volunteers and to know about each other. They share their experiences and emotions with each other. During sharing they give feedback to (if required) and also help to solve the problem with innovative ideas within a group. VMM is also a platform for volunteers to initiate and share ideas. They can plan their trip, dinner, weekend plan and future project related programs.
As a regular program, VIN conducted VMM on Friday- April 26, 2019. Total 15 volunteers from different projects and working sites attended the meeting. (10 international and 5 local volunteers). Volunteers from Women Education, Rights and Life Skills project, Women Empowerment Income generation support for women, Micro Cooperative Support project, Teaching English to community and schools projects, working for Street Children, Water Research and Early Childhood Education projects were presented at the meeting.
Due to time-bound, volunteer Management Team (VMT) couldn’t include volunteers from Okhaldhunga. Earlier, VMT planned to include them via Skype. In Okhaldhunga three volunteers are working on plumbing training, Yoga teaching, and Photo Journalism projects.
The meeting is held on the second or the last Friday of every month.