VIN Welcomed November and 11 new volunteers!!
5th November, 2014: VIN has welcomed yet another new group of enthusiastic volunteers on November 1st. On the very day we held an introduction and get together program where all the volunteers were made acquaintance with the VIN. The program was designed to provide volunteers with cultural tips, Nepali language class and health tips that will help them get through their assignments. Today we are conducting an induction program for volunteers at VIN Head Office, basically it will help the volunteers to know and get along with each other. It will make them feel more at ease before being dispatched to their assignments.
This time we have promising 11 volunteers from different countries. Out of which 5 are form France (Peyrucq Chole, Godean Elise, Marran Julie, Boutin Agathe and Cueff Solen) ; 3 from Netherlands ( Silvia de Veries, Berdien ooaterveld and Lian van Hartingsveldt); 2 from Singapore (Vithyavathy Rajasegar and Sadiq Kadir) and lastly 1 from Hong Kong (Cheung Yee Man). All the volunteers are made clear about their roles and responsibilities of their volunteering program and their respective project before their placement. They will volunteer for a period of 2 to 12 weeks in various program like Teaching English at Monastery ( Peyrucq Chole, Godean Elise, Boutin Agathe); Community Health and Hygiene ( Silvia de Vries, Berdien Oosterveld,, Lian Van Haetingsveldt); Early Childhood Development( Cueff Solen, Cheung Yee Man); Photo Journalism( Vithyavathy Rajasegar); Construction (Marren Julie); and Childcare Orphanage (Sadiq KAdir). As for now we would be doing the volunteers placement tomorrow i.e. 3rd of November.
All the volunteers are looking forward to their volunteering program and assignment. They seem to be keenly interested about Nepal and volunteering here. They enjoyed the program and presentation provided by VIN and took quite interest during induction programs.
We warmly welcome you to participate in our program.