VIN helps ECD Centers to set up class by providing materials
Volunteers Initiative Nepal in partnership with PiSL provided jute carpet, carpet pad, vacuum cleaner, cushions and other furniture for the Early Childhood Development Centers (ECD) of seven different schools of Okharpauwa. The ECD centers of Shree Bhawani Secondary School, Mahalaxmi Primary School, Shivalaya Secondary School, Okharpauwa Secondary School, Shree Surya Primary School, Kauledevithan Primary School and Kalidevi Lower Secondary School were provided with the materials.
The materials were provided to those schools whose teachers has participated in the ECD training. The training was held from 25th April 2016 to 4th May, 2016. The materials aimed to create a favorable environment for the schools and teachers to set up the ECD classrooms so that it creates favorable teaching – learning environment in the ECDs. With the materials provided, a total of 212 students were benefited.
VIN has implemented its Early Childhood Development project in Okharpauwa. The project is implemented as a part of overall development of the children from marginalized community. For this, creating a favorable environment to inspire them to learn is more important and hence training the teachers and helping them with these materials is even more important.We thank Diann Grimm from PiSL for her enormous contribution to this project.
If you wish to get involved in our Early Childhood development education project please visit our website www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org/apply-now/