Soap making Class conducted by Volunteers
Rooney(Veronika Kutics) conducted three classes on hand/ body soap making (hard type soap) in the Kavreasthaki between 2017/05/19 – 2017/05/23. This classes were conducted under Women Empowerment – skill teaching sessions.
The women were keen to learn about the soap making process as it is the basic requirement .So, the presence of women in attending classes were over whelming .They dynamically participated on the soap making.
The classes were conducted with the challenges. In all three communities, the biggest hindrance was the lack of proper equipments. The women didn’t have proper thermometer that can measure the temperature up to 100 degree Celsius. Also, they did not have a scale. In Kaure they did not have electric mixture, so it took hour to mix the texture which made it difficult to maintain the proper temperature .As well as there was lack of measuring scale.
The problem of not having proper thermometer was solved by Rooney by taking the temperature with her finger (with rubber gloves). The lack of scale was solved by borrowing scale in local shops. In Kaure there was no mixture so, the mixing process was carried out by hands. The soap got solid within 3 days in all communities.
The cost of making 8 bars of soap was Rs.110. For this the material required were ; oil 620g of Rs.80, 217g of purified water Rs.5, 81g of caustic soda of Rs.150 and 3g of sent oil 3g for Rs.13.
The first classes was on Kaure on 2017/05/19 from 1pm- 3pm with participation of 15 women, the second class was on Thali on 2017/05/22 from 2pm- 3pm with participation 6 women’s and the last class was on Thumka on 2017/05/23 from 2pm-3pm with the participation of 11 women .
Class 1
Place: Kaure
Date and time: 2017/5/19 1pm-3pm
Number of participants: 15
Class 2
Place: Thati
Date and time: 2017/5/22 2pm-3pm
Number of participants: 6
Class 3
Place: Thumka
Date and time: 2017/5/23 2pm-3pm
Number of participants: 11

In this way the women learnt soap making with which they too can develop a industry.