Project Against Human Trafficking in Making
The project against human trafficking is one of the projects of VIN for Tarkeshwor municipality ward 7 and 8. The project began in May 2016 after forming new local level committee. This project against human trafficking is implemented by VIN in the community with the help of the community people themselves. VIN initiated the project against human trafficking first with an awareness campaign. VIN organized different trainings and awareness session among community people regarding violence.
The awareness was followed by a sample survey that was conducted among the community people and interview was taken with the women respondents. Interviews were conducted in Tarkeshwor 7 and 8 to gauge the understanding of community member about human trafficking and domestic violence. Over 50 women have been interviewed from different educational and economic backgrounds. The survey of the project against human trafficking has revealed that young women have received more education and had a greater understanding of human trafficking and domestic violence. The older and/or uneducated women are less familiar with the issue. There were a handful of reports of domestic violence that had recently occurred in the area with double marriage being the most common. Only a few participants had knowledge of events of human trafficking that had occurred a few months ago which may indicate that human trafficking wasn’t a large problem in this particular area.
The research conducted for the project against human trafficking have revealed various information about the scenario of human trafficking and domestic violence. Once the data collection phase is complete the project against human trafficking will be developed structured and then tailored to fit the needs of the community.