Newly Literate Women Interacted with the Education Minister
Newly literate Women Interacted with the Education Minister, children club, their facilitators, organization representatives and the Education Minister, Pradip Nepal with his high level officials have met on the 5th September at an INTERACTION PROGRAMME at VS Niketan, Kathmandu.
The women supported by VIN had an opportunity to share about their experiences. To quote Maiya Devkota- I have developed a lot of personal and behavioural skills from my literacy education with VIN. I can now read simple books, news, letters and write letters and do some simple maths. It has made my life easier. Thank you VIN.
VIN facilitators (Dipika and kabita) and women representatives stated that the non-formal learning courses should not be made limited for 6 months or a year. It should rather be designed to the need of target groups. Then more people can benefit out of the programmes. They also addressed the need of networking and partnerships of District Education Office and Non-formal Education Centre with other grassroot level organizations. The close monitoring and follow up will assure the high achievements of the programs.
The minister then advised his team to design and implement the programs as suggested by the participants. He further addressed that the need based programs will help improve life standards of the people.
As VIN has been in the National Network of Non-formal Education Board, we have also got opportunity to be in the Management Committee of World Literacy Day – September 8 Celebration. Nepal government has decided to celebrate Literacy Day and Education Day at the same time i.e. September 8 (Bhadra 22). Some activities will be conducted collectively and some in different way on the occasion.The committee has decided to conduct different activities, e.g.Interaction amongst literate, illiterate and other professional people, Award for the Best Community Learning Center (CLC), exhibition of the best materials produced by the newly literate groups, Poster and Pamphlets publication. The government and non-government organizations working for non-formal education will help the target groups bring together to celebrate the occasion on the 8th Sept.