Construction Project in Community
VIN has been supporting various program in community development. VIN has supported in construction project work of water source protection and toilet construction with international volunteers in a week.
In this week there are supporting personal toilet construction program for three family of Devisthan,Jitpur community. The major objects are to improve health and hygiene facility by assuring family has toilet for community people and to support of government on open defecate free village.
VIN provided non local materials and volunteers labor support for three families. Two international volunteers and one local volunteer were working in two toilets from 10.00 Am to 4.00 pm from Monday to Friday. They are Mario and Gilles St-Pierre from Canada. They were supporting on safety tank and toilet house.
Under the safety tank, they did dig hole, put concrete ring and making slab of tank cover. And under toilet house they involved in wall making, plastering, materials carrying and pan set fitting etc. Ten members of two families are directly benefited from that project.
Next project , VIN has supported water source protection of ‘’Aryalkopadhera” with international and local volunteers. it is situated in upper Dandagaun, Jitpur. The main objectives of the project are to maintain the well protect it from surrounding and construct a water collection tank nearby the source and to encourage people in maintenance of natural water resources. There are formed the user group of women and it decided different things e,g, materials management, volunteers mobilization, skill manpower management and construction process and maintenance plan as well.
The project is implementing by partnership according to plan. Local people and international volunteers work together happily for collecting materials, manage skilled labor and carrying materials to the site . There were spending about 10 days for construction project. All participants were happy to do work together. All total 100 people of 19 families are benefited from this project.