Community Health Program in Okhaldhunga
VIN have been implementing community health and medcial care program in Taluwa, Okhaldhunga since November 2013. The main aim of the program is to provide preventive and curative health facilities to the community people.
The program has been focusing children, youths, women and geriatric population. Hand washing and teeth brushing campaign were conducted in all 8 schools and 11 ECDs ( Early Childhood Development ) with a motive to teach them proper steps of hand washing and teeth brushing. The campaign was conducted in the mass of children providing them practical and theoretical knowledge. Also benefits of following proper steps was presented.
For the youths, training on first aid and reproductive & sexual health was provided. In the training practical and theoretical knowledge was provided to overcome different emergency conditions. While session on reproductive and sexual health was conducted for four groups.
Similarly, training on health and sanitation, uterine prolapse, breast cancer and new born care was conducted for women of all nine wards. In the training sign and symptoms, preventive measures and treatment related to uterine prolapse and breast cancer were presented briefly.
Children, youth and women were happy for getting different trainings. The trainings were conducted by nurse and other health personnel.
In near future, VIN is lunching different projects on community health program. Hope fully coming up projects will be more beneficial for community people in improving and living healthy life.