Community Development Projects
VIN supports various programs on community development Projects. Under the women empowerment program it has four majors projects e.g. microcredit, entrepreneurship Development, education and life skills and research. It has provided many different types of activities; vegetable farming, sewing, cutting, embroidery, candle making, goat farming, livestock management, women’s education and life skills training, and capacity build –up training with related to project of women empowerment.
In March 2015, VIN has mobilized two volunteers in the conduction of the classes; Susana from Finland, Hollie from UK and Megan from Canada. The main objective of the classes is to increase awareness in the community about the reality of human trafficking with the hope of eliminating this problem. This program is conducted for women groups in Devisthan and children of grade seven, eight and nine of Jitpur school. There were thought on what is trafficking, how is trafficking, who is victim, where is trafficking place, trafficking condition of Nepal and effect of trafficking etc There were near about 65 women and children were participated from school and community.
VIN has mobilized three international volunteers in the conduction of women’s language class under the women empowerment program. There were involved three volunteers; Susana, Holiie, Megan. The main objective of the classes is for the women to learn basic English in order to make conversation. The classes were running according to the needs and expectations of the women participants The class are conducting in Devisthan, Athmile and Thumki. There were specially taught on daily using vocabulary, how to make simple sentence and conversation between friends and new people etc. Altogether 16 women are directly benefited from those classes.
VIN has been supporting for personal toilet construction program from 2009 in jitpur VDC, Kathmandu. The major objects are to improve health and hygiene facility by assuring all families have toilet for community people and to support of government on open defecate free village. VIN has been supporting to give non local materials for example 4bags cement, 20kg iron rod,2 pieces roof materials, pan paip set and dhalan wire for two families. Two international volunteers were supporting of two toilets from 10.00 Am to 4.00 pm from Monday to Friday. They are Mario and Gilles St-Pierre from Canada.