100 teachers are trained through LRTT conference
Total 100 teachers are trained through four days Teacher’s conference organized by Volunteer Initiative Nepal (VIN), Limited Resource Teacher Training (LRTT) team and National PABSAN in support of Kathmandu Municipality and Galaxy Public School, Gyaneshwor in August 2018. There are 100 teachers from 42 different schools of Kathmandu Municipality benefitted from the training. They are trained from 18 LRTT fellows from USA and UK.
The main objective of this program was to empower teachers at all levels to develop their practice and improve teaching quality. The training was based on 3 principles of effective teaching-
1. Climate for Learning (Teacher Presence, Managing Student Behaviour, Using Praise)
2. Teaching for Learning (Questioning, Planning, Modelling)
3. Assessment for Learning (Checking for understanding, Responding to checks, Variety of Afl techniques)
Teachers are encouraged to make their own lesson plan and use different strategies during teaching to grab attention of students and make them understand. All the local teachers were very happy and satisfied to get this teachers’ training and promised to apply practical teaching methods in their classrooms. It is proved by the views expressed by one of the participants “It was a great opportunity for me to be a part of this training. I am grateful to the respected principals of those schools who allow their teachers to participate in such fruitful training. I learnt the skills to make the class more effective in delivering the sessions We also feel the necessity of this type of training for all teachers of Nepal. We hope this training will be organized out of valley in near future.” Umesh Bhattarai, one of the participants.